You Can Now Visit Japan's Pokemon Fossil Museum Virtually

The National Museum of Nature and Science in Japan has expanded its Pokemon Fossil Museum exhibit with a virtual option, enabling you to take a tour from anywhere in the world.

Getting to Japan is a bit difficult under the current circumstances, so unfortunately plenty of us are likely to miss the Pokemon Fossil Museum that has been touring around various museums in Japan. But now a virtual version of the exhibit is available to view online, where you can see life-sized fossils of Pokemon like Tyrantrum, or just a real tyrannosaurus.

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The whole exhibit is able to be fully explored, designed with the intention to teach young children about dinosaurs, as there are a number of real fossils mixed in with the faux Pokemon ones. If you’re able to read Japanese, the image quality is good enough to read all of the signs too.

For a more immersive experience, there’s also the option to explore the exhibit in VR, though it notes that the Oculus Quest 2 is the recommended way to do so.

The exhibition started last year in Hokkaido at the Mikasa City Museum, moving on from there to Shimane, followed by Tokyo, and now it’s currently at the Toyohashi Museum of Natural History, until November 6.

Game Freak announced the next generation of games earlier this year, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which are set to release November 18. This new gen will be the first fully open-world Pokemon game, and online will allow you to explore the new region with up to four players.

About Oisin Kuhnke

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