Your Battlefield 2042 Character Sneezes If They Are Idle Too Long

DICE’s Battlefield 2042 is out now with early access, and players are discovering all manner of cool and interesting specifics about the military shooter.

One such discovery, from SoonerRaider on Reddit, is that your Specialist character will sneeze if you’re idle for too long. This isn’t just any old sneeze, either, as it’s a loud and wet one. So strong is the sneeze that the entire screen shakes. It’s not clear if every Specialist character has their own unique sneeze sound, but that’d be pretty neat. In any event, behold, the Battlefield 2042 sneeze sound:

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Now Playing: Battlefield 2042 Review-In-Progress

Battlefield 2042 launched on November 12 for people who buy the Gold or Ultimate edition of the military shooter, while a 10-hour trial of the full game is out now as well. The official release date for Battlefield 2042 is November 19. For more, check out GameSpot’s guide to find out exactly when Battlefield 2042 unlocks.

Battlefield 2042 leans heavily into the live-service category. At launch, players will take part in a “preseason” instead of a proper Season 1. In the preseason, players will find weekly missions and rewards, as well as limited-time modes, and curated content from Battlefield Portal, DICE said.

When Season 1 does arrive, it will add a new Specialist, the Battle Pass, more Portal content, and “maybe even some new sights to see,” DICE teased.

“Launch is only the beginning,” DICE said. “We’re taking a new approach to live service with not only a commitment to new content, but a goal of enhancing the Battlefield experience through seasons that will continue to evolve the world of Battlefield 2042.”

Battlefield 2042’s first year of live service will include four seasons, four battle passes, four new Specialists, and “new locations” to explore. Battlefield Portal will get its own set of separate live-service updates over time as well, DICE said.

For more, check out GameSpot’s Battlefield 2042 review in progress.

Best Battlefield Games, Ranked: Where Does Battlefield 2042 Place?See More

About Eddie Makuch

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