Zack Snyder Plays "Too Much Fortnite," Staying Up Until 3 AM

When he’s not directing movies like Army of the Dead or the upcoming Rebel Moon, Zack Snyder likes to play video games like the rest of us. In particular, he has a strong fondness for Fortnite.

In fact, Snyder–who’s also known for helming 300 and Man of Steel–revealed to Wired that his wife tried to convince him to do pottery instead of playing the battle royale game. “Yeah, I was playing too much Fortnite. I’m pretty good at Fortnite, actually,” he said. “But it was also, you know, 3 in the morning, and my wife is like, ‘Are you seriously playing Fortnite at 3 in the morning against some 12-year-olds?'”

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While he didn’t share his in-game name, Snyder did say his favorite skin in Fortnite is Mr. Meeseeks. The character comes from Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty, a show Snyder has previously pushed to become a movie. As such, “if you’ve been killed by Meeseeks, that could have been Zack Snyder,” he said.

Earlier this year, Snyder also expressed his interest in adapting two big gaming franchises into movies: Halo and Gears of War. Halo obviously has a series on Showtime, while Netflix is working on a Gears of War film with developer The Coalition.

Next up for Snyder, though, is Rebel Moon – Chapter One: Child of Fire. A new trailer released earlier this month for the Netflix movie featured all sorts of action with laser swords, spaceships, and weird creatures. It’s set to debut December 22 on the streaming service.

Meanwhile, Fortnite is getting a Big Bang event December 2 that will set the stage for Chapter 5.

Fortnite Battle Pass Chapter 4 Season 5 – All Fortnite OG Skins And RewardsSee More

About Evan Campbell

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