Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 Fan Theory Suggests Ganondorf Will be Playable

During the E3 2021 Nintendo Direct presentation, the company released a roughly 90-second trailer for the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but it was more than enough to inspire all kinds of fan theories. One theory in particular stands out though, from Barrett Courtney of Kinda Funny, who thinks that the more rugged-looking Link in the trailer is in fact Ganondorf.

Courtney theorized that part of the game would be playing the fall of Ganondorf, which begins the cycle of a hero battling a corrupted Ganon that happens in every game. He thinks that the hero from 10,000 years ago that has been teased is Ganondorf and that the character with the corrupted arm in the trailer–whose face is not shown–isn’t Link but in fact Ganondorf.

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Now Playing: Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Sequel Trailer Breakdown | E3 2021

“This game will be learning about the fall of Ganondorf the man and then saving him from the evil that has been ruling over him for generations. And in doing so, we’ll break the cycle started by Demise,” Courtney wrote.

He went on to say that he also has a theory on what the official title for the game might be, which Nintendo has kept secret because it might give away part of what the game is about. Courtney theorized it might be called “Demise of the Wild” which plays into the corruption caused by Demise and is a call back to Breath of the Wild, which seems very closely related to this game.

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