Zelda: Skyward Sword HD – Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube Locations

There are several Goddess Cubes to find in the Eldin Volcano region. Below we detail how to find all nine of them. If you’re curious about other Goddess Cube locations, read our comprehensive Goddess Cube roundup. For more guides, be sure to check out our Zelda: Skyward Sword guide roundup. Otherwise, read our Zelda: Skyward Sword HD review.

Table of Contents [hide]Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #1Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #2Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #3Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #4Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #5Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #6Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #7Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #8Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #9

Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #1

Locations: Eldin Volcano > Island southwest of Skyloft

Reward: Small Seed Satchel

Yet another cube that’s a no-brainer. Take your first left in the Eldin Volcano region, and the cube will lie in plain view on a lower platform.

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Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #2

Locations: Eldin Volcano > Island far north of Skyloft, next to Bamboo Island.

Reward: 100 Rupees

When you drain the lava around the entrance to the Volcano proper, ignore the air geysers, and run to the other side of the entrance to spot the cube in question. If you’re coming at this one later on, then teleport to the “Volcano Entry” Bird Statue and run ahead until you encounter a pathway that splits into three directions: one to the right, one to the left that drops to a lower level, and one that goes straight ahead. Run straight ahead, and you’ll see the Goddess Cube in question.

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Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #3

Locations: Eldin Volcano > Isle of Songs

Reward: Gold Rupee

After entering the volcano via the access referenced in the last cube’s description, you will find yourself looking down a vast cavern. Jump down and use your Sailcloth to direct Link to the Goddess Cube atop one of the tiny platforms. Be careful to land next to it, as the cube will cause Link to slide, and the platform it is on doesn’t provide enough room to recover your footing. If you mess up, you can drop down and take the northern air geyser exit to return to the surface and try again.

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Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #4

Locations: Eldin Volcano > Bamboo Island

Reward: Gold Rupee

When you reach the entrance to the temple, just prior to (or during) the hunt for the key shards, examine the corner west of the temple. You’ll find numerous dirt patches that look ripe for digging with your Mogma Mitts. One reveals an air geyser. Toss a bomb into it, and it will take out a destructible wall overhead. Behind it lies a cube o’ the goddess.

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Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #5

Locations: Eldin Volcano > Island northeast of Skyloft

Reward: Treasure Medal

There is a series of huts belonging to the Bokoblin horde, which are located east of the Earth Temple entrance. And to the east of the watchtower that you need to topple with a bomb is a goddess cube awaiting the kiss of a Skyward Strike. We wouldn’t want to disappoint the goddess, or her cubes, now would we?

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Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #6

Locations: Eldin Volcano > Storage Shed in Skyloft

Reward: Treasure (random material)

There is an unmistakable sand slide that you will reach during your hunt for the temple key. Take the path to the left, utilizing the air geyser immediately after you slide outside from the cave. You should see the goddess cube across two platforms. The projected slash of Skyward Strike from the platform in front of the cube will suffice.

With all of these Goddess Cubes taken care of, you won’t have to worry about the next one until you reach the Return to the Roundup]

Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #7

Locations: Volcano Summit, waterfall spring > Bug Island, Thunderhead

Reward: Piece of Heart

The path to this cube is a bit tough to spot. In the Volcano Summit, head to the outside room where you can gather water in a bottle to feed to the frog statue that opens the first door blocked by flame. Near that waterfall is a spot where you can jump off, with rock spires towering over a bottomless pit. Leap off the edge and nudge Link toward the rock furthest away, straight from the cliff you leapt off of. On the back side of it is a spot where you can land, where the cube sits. From there, use the Clawshot to make your way up the other nearby spires until you reach a platform just above the waterfall. The chest is inside the Thunderhead on the island in the southwest corner.

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Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #8

Locations: Volcano Summit > Isle of Storms, Thunderhead

Reward: Small Bomb Bag

When you hit the entrance to the Fire Sanctuary, turn left. You’ll see a window you can climb through. Past it, you can use your Clawshot to carry you to a distant platform adorned with vines. Continue along the path with your Clawshot until you get to the cube. The chest is in the Thunderhead on the Isle of Storms, where you can find it on the roof of the building there.

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Eldin Volcano Goddess Cube #9

Locations: Volcano Summit > Small island southwest of the Isle of Songs, Thunderhead

Reward: Bottle

You can grab this Goddess Cube when you return to the Fire Sanctuary in search of the Hero’s Song. You’ll see this cube after the volcano’s eruption; to reach the Fire Dragon, you’ll need to float on a rock through the lava current, and you’ll pass the cube along the way, so make sure to hit it as you go by. Find the corresponding chest in the Thunderhead, on the small island southwest of the Isle of Songs. There’s only a small piece of land where you can drop onto it, and you’ll need to dig into a Mogma hole to find the chest on the other side.

Congratulations! That’s all of the Eldin Volcano region’s Goddess Cubes taken care of. If you’re going in order, you’ll find the next back at the Return to the Roundup]

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