Zelda: Skyward Sword HD – Faron Woods Heart Piece Locations

Below we’ve compiled the locations of every piece in the Faron Woods region. It’s important to note that some Heart Pieces are linked to Goddess Cubes, which are magical artifacts that will reveal a treasure chest somewhere in the Sky region upon hitting them. In this guide, we’ve noted the cube’s location, as the corresponding chest it reveals will be subsequently identified by Fi with a little icon on your map.

If you’re curious about other heart piece locations, read our comprehensive heart piece roundup. For more guides, be sure to check out our Zelda: Skyward Sword guide roundup. Otherwise, read our Zelda: Skyward Sword HD review.

Table of Contents [hide]Faron Woods: The Tightrope PathOutside Of Skyview Temple (Goddess Cube Heart Piece)Skyview Temple: After Defeating Stalfos And Acquiring The BeetleFaron Woods: Cracked WallFaron Woods: Great Tree (Goddess Cube Heart Piece)Sealed Grounds: Gorko

Faron Woods: The Tightrope Path

The first heart piece you will likely come across is in Faron Woods. When looking for the three Kikwis, keep an eye out for tightropes between the great tree and a large stone wall. One of them will lead you to a relatively easy-to-acquire piece of heart.

The next Heart Piece you can get at Faron Woods won’t be for a while, as the next possible one you can find is at the Return to the Roundup]

Outside Of Skyview Temple (Goddess Cube Heart Piece)

There is a Goddess Cube directly outside of Skyview Temple. Strike it, and it will activate a Goddess Chest on an island south of Skyloft. Fi will mark activated Goddess Chests on your map with a small Goddess crest.

[Return to the Roundup]

Skyview Temple: After Defeating Stalfos And Acquiring The Beetle

After defeating the Stalfos mini-boss in Skyview Temple, use the beetle to deactivate the switch on top of the Stalfos’ lair. This will release the heart from its cage in the rear of the structure.

And that’s all the heart pieces you can get from Faron Woods for now. The next one you can grab is from Return to the Roundup]

Faron Woods: Cracked Wall

When Link has to return to the woods, it’s a good idea to put his bombs to use, as there are walls throughout the world of Skyward Sword that shelter valuable treasure. Warp to the “In The Woods” Bird statue and head north until you encounter a weakened cave wall; use your bombs to blow it open to get your next piece of heart.

The next possible heart piece you can find is to the Return to the Roundup]

Faron Woods: Great Tree (Goddess Cube Heart Piece)

Once you reach the top of the Great Tree and have obtained the Water Dragon’s scale, you can descend from the viewing platform and land adjacent to the Goddess Cube below. This will activate a Goddess Chest on an island east of the portal to the Lanayru Desert.

The next heart piece is found in Return to the Roundup]

Sealed Grounds: Gorko

After defeating The Imprisoned for the first time, you can go back to the area just outside the Sealed Temple. Gorko, the ever-questing Goron, is at it again, this time researching some curious butterflies nearby (If he isn’t there, it’s likely because you didn’t investigate the Gossip Stones in the lower area near the Sealed Temple by the Bird Statue).

Talk to Gorko, and then strum Link’s harp to activate a Goddess Wall–a canvas that can be drawn on with the Master Sword. Make sure that you do not draw on the wall before speaking to Gorko. If you make this mistake, then reload the game and try again.

Once you’ve spoken to Gorko and the Goddess Wall appears, he will talk to Link and offer him hints, in the form of riddles, of what to draw. If you draw the correct picture that corresponds to the riddle he gives you, then he’ll reward you with a piece of heart. Below are the various riddles and their respective solutions:

“Arrow in Repose… Ye who yearns to strike targets from afar, draw this shape so that it may be known.” — Draw an Arrow “Glimmering Hexagon… Ye who seeks great riches, draw this shape so that it may be known.” — Draw a Rupee“Life’s Crimson Vessel… Ye who longs for the source of life, draw this shape so that it may be known. Do so, and from the heavens shall fall a rain of life’s essence.” — Draw a Heart“Closed Circle… Ye who hungers for destructive force, draw this shape so that it may be known.” — Draw a Circle (to represent a bomb)“…The three… …ngles… …the Tri…ce… …and…” — Draw a Tri-Force

Great work! You’ve found all the heart pieces at Faron Woods. The next one you can get at this point will be received as a reward for completing the Return to the Roundup]

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