Zelda: Skyward Sword HD – Sky Heart Piece Locations

To help you in your journey to obtain maximum health in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, we’ve compiled the locations of every piece in the Sky region. Note that some Heart Pieces are linked to Goddess Cubes, which are artifacts that reveal a treasure chest in the Sky region containing a treasure upon striking them. In this guide, we’ve noted the cube’s location, as the corresponding chest it reveals will always be identified by Fi with a little icon on your map.

If you’re curious about other heart piece locations, read our comprehensive heart piece roundup. For more guides, be sure to check out our Zelda: Skyward Sword guide roundup. Otherwise, read our Zelda: Skyward Sword HD review.

Table of Contents [hide]Pumpkin Landing: Inside The Lumpy PumpkinSkyloft: Reward From Completing Batreaux’s Gratitude Crystal QuestlineFun Fun Island: Skydiving Mini-GameLumpy Pumpkin Shopkeeper QuestlineSkyloft: Zelda’s Room In The Knight AcademySkyloft: Sparring HallSkyloft: Beedle’s AirshopBonus: How To Get The Final Life Medal (Goddess Cube)

Pumpkin Landing: Inside The Lumpy Pumpkin

The next piece of heart to obtain is waiting inside the Lumpy Pumpkin, on an island east of Skyloft. It’s no wonder the proprietor of the Lumpy Pumpkin is so proud of his chandelier; it’s littered with rupees and a piece of heart! Run upstairs and roll into the banister closest to the chandelier to get to the piece. After two successive rolls, the chandelier (and the piece of heart) will come crashing to the ground.

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Skyloft: Reward From Completing Batreaux’s Gratitude Crystal Questline

When Link places the tablet obtained from Skyview Temple within the secret chamber of the Goddess Statue, he will be prompted to find a little girl, Kukiel, by her mother. Go to sleep, wake up at night, and head to the cemetery. Hit the last stone on the left to make it glow, and then push it toward the far row to open the path to Batreaux, a fearsome, ugly, and friend of young Kukiel. To become human, he requires that you collect gratitude crystals by helping people with tasks. When you reach certain milestones, he will award you with various prizes. At 10 gratitude crystals, he will present Link with a piece of heart.

And that’s all the heart pieces you can get from the Sky region for now, as the next you’ll get is located on some Return to the Roundup]

Fun Fun Island: Skydiving Mini-Game

Once you’ve acquired Scrapper, during your quest to retrieve the fallen propeller from Eldin Volcano, you can also assist Dodoh, the ever-so-sad clown, located on the colorful Fun Fun Island. He needs you to retrieve the Party Wheel from the desert. Navigate to the Desert Entrance of the Lanayru Desert, and if you haven’t already, use your bombs to blow up a rock near the nearby minecart. This reveals a Timeshift Stone that you can hit that’ll open a pathway leading to the Party Wheel.

Once you return the Party Wheel to Dodoh, he will activate a skydiving mini-game. Navigate through each of the multiplier rings and land in the 50 rupee zone to net Link a piece of heart.

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Lumpy Pumpkin Shopkeeper Questline

Don’t forget that you owe the shopkeeper at the Lumpy Pumpkin a few favors to repay for the damaged chandelier. The first requires Link to deliver soup to Eagus at the sparring hall in Skyloft. The second involves carrying a large stack of pumpkins to a shed behind the Lumpy Pumpkin. Lastly, Link must use the harp unlocked after completing the game’s third dungeon, the Lanayru Mining Facility, to entertain the patrons of the pub. Completing these challenges will earn Link a piece of heart.

And that’s the end of your time spent looking for heart pieces in the Sky region again. Next, you’ll want to head to the Return to the Roundup]

Skyloft: Zelda’s Room In The Knight Academy

After acquiring the clawshot, return to Skyloft and use them to access the Knight Academy’s roof via the chimney. Enter, and you’ll find yourself in Zelda’s room, with a piece of heart in the cabinet.

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Skyloft: Sparring Hall

After helping Fledge boost his workout with two stamina potions over the course of two nights (you can sleep in his bed to move time forward–a series of encounters that you can’t wrap up until after clearing the Ancient Cistern), you will unlock his Pumpkin Pull mini-game near the sparring hall. If you can reach a score of 600, he will reward you with a heart piece. Of course, the only way to play the mini-game is with the bow, which you get after completing the Sandship.

With these two heart pieces out of the way, you’ll find your next piece at the Return to the Roundup]

Skyloft: Beedle’s Airshop

If you’ve managed to purchase every item from Beedle’s shop, he will have one last item for sale, the coveted, final piece of heart. We’ve saved this one, in particular, for the end of this guide, as it’s likely you won’t have unlocked the ability to buy this piece until then.

Regardless, this heart piece doesn’t come cheap, so make sure you’ve got a wallet big enough to carry 1600 rupees, and you will have completed your collection of heart pieces. However, if you complete Beedle’s Gratitude Crystal quest, he gives you 50% off one item, so we highly recommend you do that first before breaking the bank on the Heart Piece.

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Bonus: How To Get The Final Life Medal (Goddess Cube)

To expand your health further, you can acquire what’s called Life Medals–special items that can increase your total health when stored in your Adventure Pouch. If you’ve purchased every item in Beedle’s stock, then you’ve already picked up one in your quest to buy every item from Beedle’s Airshop. The last one is located in a Goddess Chest.

To get to the Goddess Cube that’ll be on the way to the chest, travel to the “West Desert” Bird Statue in the Lanayru Desert region. There is a clawshot target nearby that will lead you to the Goddess Cube in question. Strike it and head to the skies to collect your prize on an island north of Fun Fun Island.

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