Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – All Great Fairy Locations And What They Do

Much like Breath of the Wild before it, there are plenty of things in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that diverge from the long-running franchise’s fundamentals, but some things never change–and one of those things is the addition of Great Fairies. These massive and very, uh, affectionate fairies have returned once more and offer Link a variety of useful boons. We’ll tell you where to find them all below.

All Great Fairy Locations And What They Do

There are four Great Fairies in Tears of the Kingdom, and you’ll be required to complete some tasks before you can visit and speak to them. Each of the four sisters can improve your various pieces of gear in exchange for an increasing number of rupees. Here’s where to find all four Great Fairies.

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Great Fairy Tera

Speak to Traysi at the Lucky Clover Gazette (-3251, 1772, 0118) and start a side quest called “Potential Princess Sightings!”, which tasks you with visiting all of the stables in the game. Afterward, go have a chat with Penn standing outside Woodland Stable (1046, 1145, 0022) to start the “Serenade to a Great Fairy” side quest.

Right behind Penn are a few wheels you can lift and attach to a nearby broken-down cart. Attach them, then head back over next to Penn to speak to the small character named Mastro. Afterward, customize your horse with a towing harness, then lift the harness and attach it to the cart.

When you’re ready to go, hop on the horse and head forward on the dirt road here, taking a left at the first fork, then another left at the second fork. You’ll see the fairy’s flower bud directly ahead. Go to it, watch a performance, and then Tera will burst out.

Great Fairy Cotera

Speak to Mastro standing by a stage at Dueling Peaks Stable (1757, -1957, 0010) to start the “Serenade to Cotera” side quest. Head southeast of Kakariko Village (2166, -1382, 0108) and speak to Beetz here, who will give you an additional side quest called “Honey, Bee Mine.” You’ll need to collect three honeycombs, which can be found in various areas around the map.

Take the honeycombs back to Beetz, and he’ll now head back to Dueling Peaks Stable. Return there and speak to Mastro once more. Afterward, head over to the nearby river, where you’ll need to place a cart with a fan on it on some wood to create a makeshift airboat. Tell Mastro you’ll take the group across in the new boat, then hop in and hit the fan. A flower bud is located on a small island just north of here–you can’t miss it. When you arrive, the group will perform and send Cotera bursting out to meet you all.

Great Fairy Kaysa

Speak to Mastro standing by a stage at Outskirt Stable (1404, -1266, 0032) to start the “Serenade to Kaysa” side quest. Now head to the Highland Stable Well (0519, -3423, 0047) where you’ll hear someone playing a flute. Look up in a nearby tree to spot Pyper, then climb up and speak with him to begin another side quest called “The Flute Player’s Plan.” You need to collect 10 sunset fireflies, which can be found all across the map–just remember to sneak up on them to grab them.

Return to Pyper and give him the sunset fireflies. Now wait until nightfall to head inside the stable and speak to Haite. Have her follow you back to the tree for Pyper’s performance, which will prompt him to return to Outskirt Stable. Make your way back there yourself to speak with Mastro.

After speaking with Mastro, grab the stone slab with wheels leaned against a rock nearby, reattach its missing wheel, then grab the cart by the stage and set it on top of the stone slab. Chat with Mastro once more to have the group prepare. Hop inside of the cart, hit the control, and then drive your new vehicle northeast along the dirt road and up the rocky pathway to the nearby flower bud on a hill. Watch yet another performance to get Kaysa to pop out and greet everyone.

Great Fairy Mija

Speak to Mastro standing by a stage at Snowfield Stable (-1630, 2587, 0234) to start the “Serenade to Mija” side quest. When you’re ready, make your way to the spot where Eustus is missing in Tabantha Tundra (-3658, 0760, 0117).

Drop inside and talk to Eustus to begin another side quest called “The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape”, then lift the cart (with him in it) and put it on some nearby boxes. Alternatively, you can build a more elaborate way of getting him out, but this should work as long as the boxes don’t fall over. Climb out and grab the cart once more to get him out of the hole.

After you rescue Eustus, head back once more to Snowfield Stable to speak with Mastro, then look beside the cart near the stage to find some large planks you can lift. Grab the largest one and place it on top of the cart to successfully give it a roof before letting Mastro know you’re ready to head out.

When you’re prepared to get moving, you’ll need to equip your horse with a towing harness and then attach it to the cart here. When you’ve done so, ride the troupe up to the left of the road and onto a rocky hill close by. Up here, you’ll watch a final performance and earn an opportunity to meet Mija when she erupts from her flower bud.

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