Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – A Call From The Depths Quest Guide

A Call From the Depths is a side quest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. In it, you’ll head to the Temple of Time Ruins where the Goddess Statue asks for your aid. You have to collect its eyes, then bring them to a rather strange place in the Depths. Here’s our guide to help you complete A Call From the Depths in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Table of Contents [hide]How to reach the Great PlateauGoddess Statue eye locationsEye #1: NorthEye #2: EastEye #3: SouthEye #4: WestPossible bugs and trying to gather all eyes at the same timeGreat Abandoned Central Mine and Bargainer Statue

How to reach the Great Plateau

To start A Call From the Depths in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you need to head to the Great Plateau. This location is actually south of the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower. Upon reaching it, you’ll see a towering cliff face. Destroy the boulders here to drain the water, allowing you to enter the area.

Once you proceed, a voice will tell you to go to the Temple of Time in the distance. Inside, the Goddess Statue will tell you about her “eyes” that have been stolen. You can see their locations on the map image below:

Goddess Statue eye locations

Your goal is to find them, then drop them in the Chasm pit. Once they’re down below, you need to bring them to the Great Abandoned Mine in the center of that area. (It’s the same place where you could get the Autobuild system.)

There are various Zonaite Devices in each Chasm, so don’t worry too much. However, you might encounter some nasty bugs (which we’ll mention later). In any case, let’s talk about the four locations. You can tackle them in any order, but we started from the north going clockwise.

Eye #1: North

Surface: Use Ultrahand to lift it from the pool of water.Depths: There’s a Lightroot here. Behind it is the eye, next to some Zonaite Devices. You can make an ATV that you can drive around.

Eye #2: East

Surface: Destroy the rocks.Depths: It was fairly close by from where #1 was, so we just drove there to pick it up along the way.

Eye #3: South

Surface: Lift and rotate the large rock to reveal the eye.Depths: Create a makeshift plane.

Eye #4: West

Surface: Start a fire to melt one of the frozen stalagmites.Depths: Build a cart to travel along the rails.

Possible bugs and trying to gather all eyes at the same time

One particular bug that we encountered in the Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom A Call From the Depths side quest was when we attempted to gather more of the eyes along the way. For some reason, it seems that the “south eye” that we dropped never reached the Depths area. We couldn’t find anything down below, and we only realized later that it respawned back in its original spot. As such, we recommend dropping each eye, jumping down to follow it, then using Zonaite Devices to take it to the Central Mine.

Alternatively, it might be possible to gather all of them while in the Surface region. Then, you’d just attach all of them to a platform that you’ll take all the way down to the Depths, preferably in the northern area as it’s the closest to the Central Mine. We haven’t tested this, but do tell us if it worked for you.

Great Abandoned Central Mine and Bargainer Statue

Every eye you drop into the Chasm has to be collected, then placed into the sockets of the giant Bargainer Statue in the Great Abandoned Central Mine. Once you’ve placed all four, the Bargainer Statue will wake. You can choose to receive either one heart or one stamina segment as your reward.

Moreover, similar to other Bargainer Statues in the Depths region, it will sell an assortment of items in exchange for Poes. And that’s it, you’ve completed the Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom A Call From the Depths side quest.

There are numerous mechanics and facets to learn in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. For more information, you can visit our guides hub.

About Jason Rodriguez

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