Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – Serutabomac Shrine Puzzle Guide

Located high up beside Hyrule Castle in the sky, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom‘s Serutabomac Shrine is a little bit more difficult to get to than some shrines. But just as you need to ascend into the clouds to reach the shrine, you’ll also need mastery of the Ascension ability to complete it. Let’s look at what you’ll need to do.

How to solve the Serutabomac Shrine Puzzle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

When you first enter Serutabomac Shrine, use your Ultrahand to pick up the small square plate and place it on the vertical beams beneath the door above. You can then use Ascend to pass through it from below and enter the door.

In the next room, use the plates to craft an L-shape, the turn it upside down and lean it on the beam under the door. Once again ascend through the smaller plate and enter the next door.

In the third room, there’s a chest on one side and two beams on the other. To reach the chest containing a magic rod, create a large C-shaped design, place it on the spikes, step on the bottom small plate, and then Ascend up through the top one.

Lastly, create a J-shaped design, then lay it on its back on the two beams. Ascend through the large plate, then Ascend once more through the small plate. When you pass through the door here, you’ll have completed the shrine and be able to claim your reward.

We have many more guides in our Tears of the Kingdom guides hub, including a map of all Shrine locations and more individual Shrine puzzle guides.

About Billy Givens

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