Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Where To Get Majora's Mask

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom may be a direct sequel to the ever-beloved Breath of the Wild, but there are references to the franchise’s long history scattered throughout this game’s version of Hyrule, too. Among them is a wearable version of Majora’s Mask, the titular headpiece from one of the series’ most divisive entries, that fans will no doubt want to get their hands on. If you’d like to score Majora’s Mask for yourself, read on.

Where to get Majora’s Mask in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Majora’s Mask is found in the Floating Coliseum, which itself is located deep down under Hyrule in the Depths. Inside the Floating Coliseum, you’ll find that you must face off against five Lynels–individually, not at once, thankfully. However, due to the difficulty of this showdown, it’s recommended you tackle this challenge late in the game when you’ve got plenty of health, some good armor, and the Master Sword.

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When you’re ready, though, enter the coliseum and take down the Lynels. The first four will be relatively simple if you’ve fought any of these beasts elsewhere already, but the final Lynel sports some hefty armor that will require some bashing with heavy attacks from a big weapon. Regardless of when or how you decide to take the Lynels down in the Floating Coliseum, you’ll be rewarded with a chest you can open to reveal Majora’s Mask.

The description of Majora’s Mask reads:

An eerie mask passed down from ancient times. Wearing it makes it harder for certain enemies to spot you. It’s a rather rare find.

As referenced in this description, equipping Majora’s Mask allows you to move around enemies more easily without alerting them to your presence. It can be an extremely useful piece of equipment, so don’t hesitate to wear it when you’re in sticky situations.

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom-Themed Apparel Is Available At AmazonSee More

About Billy Givens

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