The version of Call of Duty: Warzone that launched in March 2020 will be renamed “Warzone Caldera”, according to a new report, and will continue to receive updates alongside Warzone 2.
With more information about Warzone 2 on the horizon as part of the upcoming Call of Duty Next, some fans have wondered what exactly will be happening with the original version of Warzone. Reporter Tom Henderson on Twitter claims the game will be undergoing a name change on November 28, and that “it looks like original Warzone will continue to receive updates/DLC.”
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Going off the new name, it seems the original Warzone going forward will focus primarily on the Caldera map set in the Pacific, which was introduced as part of what Activision Blizzard called “Warzone Pacific” alongside Call of Duty: Vanguard Season 1 in November 2021. Warzone originally launched five months after the release of 2019’s Modern Warfare, and heavily featured characters and weapons from Infinity Ward’s latest entry in the franchise. Like its predecessor, Warzone 2 will be launching some time after the October 25 release Modern Warfare 2, and will feature many of that game’s mechanics, vehicles, and weapons.
Having Warzone and Warzone 2 coexist does line up with what Activision has said previously about the two battle royales, namely that Warzone will “continue on as a separate experience that will include a continuation of player progression and inventories within that Warzone experience.” That means skins, weapons, and unlocks in the original Warzone will not carry over to Warzone 2.
A recent potential leak points towards a November 16 release date for Warzone 2. One might guess that a potential renaming for the original Warzone would come alongside Warzone 2’s release, but the rumored release date and the November 28 renaming date don’t line up. Make of that what you will.
Fans will have to wait until Activision’s Call of Duty Next event on September 15 to learn more concrete information about the future of Call of Duty, which is expected to reveal more details about Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, Warzone 2, the leaked DMZ mode for Modern Warfare 2, and more.
The beta for Modern Warfare 2 will begin on September 16 for those who preorder on PlayStation, with all players regardless of platform able to jump into the open beta starting on September 24.
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